Dr. Anat Perry Department of PsychologyFaculty of Social Scienceanat.perry@mail.huji.ac.ilPersonal website
Prof. Merav Ahissar Department of PsychologyFaculty of Social Sciencemsmerava@gmail.comPersonal website
Prof. Haitham Amal Faculty of medicineThe Institute for Drug Researchhaitham.amal@mail.huji.ac.ilPersonal website
Dr. Shir Atzil Department of PsychologyFaculty of Social Scienceshir.atzil@mail.huji.ac.il Personal website
Prof. Abraham Fainsod Chair Academic Advisory Committee of The Autism Center Faculty of Medicine Department of Developmental Biology and Cancer Researchabrahamf@ekmd.huji.ac.ilPersonal website
Dr. Anat Golos Faculty of medicineSchool of Occupational Therapyanat.golos@mail.huji.ac.ilPersonal website
Dr. Yuval Hart Department of PsychologyFaculty of Social Scienceyuval.hart@mail.huji.ac.ilPersonal Website
Dr. Salomon Israel Faculty of Social ScienceDepartment of Psychologysalomon.israel@mail.huji.ac.ilPersonal website
Prof. Eitan Kerem Head of The Division of PediatricsHadassah Medical Center kerem@hadassah.org.ilPersonal website
Prof. Ariel Knafo-Noam Psychology DepartmentFaculty of Social Sciencesariel.knafo@mail.huji.ac.ilPersonal website
Dr. Judah Koller Chair, Graduate Division of Special EducationSeymour Fox School of Educationjudah.koller@mail.huji.ac.ilPersonal website
Dr. Ayelet Landau Department of PsychologyFaculty of Social Scienceayelet.landau@mail.huji.ac.ilPersonal website
Dr. Hagai Levine Faculty of MedicineSchool of Public Health and Community MedicineHagai.levine@gmail.comPersonal website